Three holiday guest children of the organic mountain farm Kinker not only chilled during their summer holidays, but also pampered other holiday guests with a "hot stone" massage by the campfire. The donations collected for this purpose were doubled by the Kinker family and rounded up to € 300. At the request of the children, this money is used for the education of the Jiamini children. Many thanks from the whole Jiamini team for the commitment and the idea!

Vielen Dank, liebes Jiamini Team, dass ihr unsere Spende erwähnt habt.
Es hat riesen Spaß gemacht, mitzuerleben, mit welcher Begeisterung unsere Gästekinder ihre „Patienten“ massierten und in ihrem Outdoor- Wellnessbereich behandelten.
Die Idee fand ich übrigens super, dass Kinder Initiative ergreifen, um anderen Kindern zu helfen.
Herzliche Grüsse vom Franz