The day center has had running water since July 2018. So that this does not soften the ground, the area in front of it was tarred.
Thanks to the tap that is now connected, the children can do their laundry here on weekends.
Before that, they often went to school in dirty uniforms or arrived at the Jiamini Day Center with unwashed clothes. Often the guardians (legal guardians) lacked water for washing the laundry, as it had to be carried from the city to the slum at great expense. After cooking and washing up, there is often not much left for the laundry; especially since hand washing, which is common in Kenya, requires a lot of water. Despite the soaps provided by Jiamini, the children rarely had clean clothes.
But that has now changed. Every Sunday after church and before the sports and games program, we wash together in the day center!