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News From Jiamini

Kritische Stimmen

Im letzten Monat kamen kritische Aussagen bezüglich des Managements vor …

Beim Sommerfest des Bischof-Sproll- Bildungszentrums in Biberach am 22. Juni …

Besuch in Kenia

Im August besuchte Jeanette Bliesath mit ihren zwei Kindern das …

Live Vortag in Ulm

Mit großer Freude wurden wir zu einem persönlichen Vortag im …


Ein Schuljahr besteht in Kenia aus drei sogenannten „Terms“. Anfang …

Annual general meeting

Am Dienstag den 16.04. fand unsere Jahreshauptversammlung statt. Neben dem …

Wochenende bei Jiamini

Die Wochenenden bei Jiamini sind immer voller Freude, Spaß und …

Kiandutu unter Wasser

Die starken Regenfälle haben im Slum Kiandutu für Überschwemmung gesorgt. …


Nachdem die Schule erfolgreich gestartet ist, finden nun viele Schul- …

School start

So wie das Jahresende ist auch der Jahresanfang bei Jiamini …

Am Mittwoch den 13.12.23 haben Alexandra Senner und Laura Laupheimer …

Soccer tournament

Das Fußballturnier fand an drei Tagen statt. 120 Mädchen und …

Vacation time

Bis Ende Januar sind in Kenia Schulferien. Diese Zeit wird …

Christmas in Kenya

Auch in diesem Jahr wird in Kenia Weihnachten gefeiert. Doch …

Exam results

Some of the Jiamini children have already received their exam results. We are ...

On November 25 and 26, 2023, the traditional Advent market took place in Schemmerhofen, ...

On December 5, pupils can work for an employer of their choice ...

Vacation time

At the end of the year, the big vacations take place in Kenya. There are ten weeks ...


The circumcision of adolescent boys has a long religious ...

Medical care

Veronicah and Derrick were injured while playing ...

"Back to school"

After the vacations, it was back to school for all Jiamini children.

The Jiamini CBO has long maintained a partnership with ...

On Wednesday 11 October, Jiamini was invited...

Jiamini live

Save the Date! On Sunday, November 12 at 2.30 pm it's that time again.


Especially in view of the holiday season, Jiamini was lucky...

Originally, the solar run served to finance the solar cells at the ...


Attending college and thus completing vocational training is important ...

Sofa donation

The living quarters and the furniture at the children's ...

Medical care

Every now and then the Jiamini children get sick. Purity, for example, ...


Im Dezember haben wir Ihnen von Brians Arbeitsunfall berichtet. Brian …

Again and again the day center in Kiandutu Slum gets visitors. Mostly ...


Mercy is the oldest of the Jiamini children and has been supported since 2015. ...

Back to school

After the two weeks of vacation in Kenya, school started ...

Bed bugs

Bed bugs are a widespread plague in the slum with a high health risk for those affected. ...

In May, two weeks of vacation program took place at Jiamini. In addition to ...

Death in Perri's family

The confrontation with death also hits the children quite ...

Final College admission

In order to gain admission to a college, some documentation ...

With "Mitmachen Ehrensache", young people work for a good cause. Instead of ...

Home visits

The Jiamini children are visited at home by the social workers at ...

Sunshine Rally

The Sunshine Rally is an event organized by ...

The social worker Lucy accompanied the Jiamini children with their guardians to the parents' evenings ...

A trip to the Giraffe center

A very special gift was made possible for the children in Kenya by a private sponsor. ...

Move to the new day center

The Jiamini team in Kenya was able to take advantage of ...

Christmas in Kenya

In addition to a Christmas dinner together, there was also a Christmas present for each ...

A persistent ear infection

In our newsletter, we already reported about Perris’ ear infection. ...

Jiamini live 2022

We cordially invite you to our second Jiamini live event! ...

For Whitney it was a very special start to school this time.

Back to school

With repaired and partly new uniforms we go...


Many people in Kenya are dissatisfied. The communication and ...


Supporting people to help themselves by education. That’s our overarching...

Annual general meeting

We would like to thank all participants for their input and feedback.

Advice and guidance

During vacations the “life skills lessons” were further expanded.

Washing day

Aufgrund des anhaltenden Wassermangels und den damit verbundenen Restriktionen, finden …

Change of school

This year will be the year of many school changes ...

Christmas gifts in Kenya

It's been a few days and just few people ...

After the initial difficulties caused by Corona, Mercy passed her ...

The "life skill lessons" held regularly in the Jiamini day center now take place ...

We told you about Agnes in one of our newsletters. ...

Gean Chege

Gean Chege, a young boy in the Kiandutu slum, is a ...

It's not just about school grades, but above all ...

A meaningful gift to christmas

Give a chance to children and their future! With a view to Christmas, would like to ...

On Saturday November 20th and Sunday November 21st ...

School arson

Shocking news has reached us in the past few weeks. ...

New social worker at Jiamini

Due to a further education full-time, Beatrice has ...

Please help raise awareness of Jiamini. Do you speak …

Support from WEHMIS

WEHMIS is an organization that specializes in representing the ...

The Jiamini soccer team is back

Through regular training, the Jiamini soccer team was able to get their first ...

Highschool for James and Kefa

What is worth waiting for. Actually, high school should ...

On Saturday, June 12th, 21st our first Jiamini live event took place ...

The "Sack Farming" program started in 2017 creates the opportunity, despite the ...

WEHMIS on a visit

WEHMIS, an organization specializing in advocacy for children and ...

Jiamini live

We invite you to see Jiamini live ...

Mercy receives glasses

Something was wrong, cause Mercy suffered from a headache ...

Agnes does a great exam

We all had high expectations and Agnes still has them ...

25 pair shoes

The joy was great. Thanks to a local donor, each ...

Not least because of the corona pandemic, the last ...

The Jiamini CBO is becoming more and more well-known and has a high reputation ...

Bryan´s own workshop

He proudly shows his self-made furniture in his own ...


Easter was also celebrated in Kenya. After the lesson on ...

Holiday program

The holidays have already started. How long this, ...

Annual general meeting

The german development association Jiamini e. V. had on Friday ...

Final exam

Schools in Kenya are closed again, but the last ...

The sharp rise in new infections in March again hit Kenya in ...

Mercy goes to college

At last it was time. After a long wait due to ...

Precaution against bed bugs

Due to climatic conditions and poor hygiene, it keeps coming back ...

New shoes and school uniforms

In keeping with the new start of school, after the long corona-related break, ...

As already announced in our newsletter, the Kenyan government has ...

A volunteer in Jiamini

Déborah comes from Brazil and integrated a voluntary service of 10 ...

The Jiamini children are greeted every day in the day center. Through group divisions ...

A Christmas greeting from Kenya

With this singing we wish you a Merry Christmas. At the same time you want ...

We are very happy to present you new and current pictures from ...

After the new requirements for the reopening are done, ...

After a significant decrease in new infections in September, the ...

With Bryan's support, our tables and benches have had a major overhaul ...

Besides Nancy, Agnes und James is also Keffa ...

Jiamini Newsletter

In order to be able to inform our sponsors and members regularly, offer ...

On July 6th, the Kenyan government announced the closure of individual ...

Jiamini CBO, in cooperation with Stanbic Bank and ...

Mercy´s letter

Mercy has been supported by Jiamini since 2015. At the beginning of this year ...

On January 24th, 2019 the Jiamini annual general meeting took place in Biberach. We would like to ...

Jiamini CBO

Sponsoring association Jiamini e. V.

donation account

Kreissparkasse Ravensburg
IBAN DE32 6505 0110 0101 1241 39